The U2DEMO project is divided into 4 well-defined phases:

The first four months of the project will be dedicated to WP1 to analyze the existing solutions for P2P trading, Energy Sharing and ECs in European countries and social research. After the initial period, moths 18-24 months will be centered on R&I development under WP2, WP3 and WP4.

WP5 will start in month 13 with the specification and organization of the deployment of the pilots. This work will follow the description already planned in this proposal. WP4 will finish in month 39 allowing the test of the different use cases developed in WP1. Based on the results of the demonstration activities, a wrap-up of the activities and the main conclusions, guidelines, roadmap and recommendations will be addressed in WP6.

Harmonized framework for peer to peer-based energy trading and services ⬇️


This WP delivers a harmonized framework describing the activities of active consumers (groups) in terms of roles, responsibilities, underlying motivation and social relations. It provides a mapping onto this framework of the regulatory, social, and business context of the U2Demo pilots and future eco-system. The harmonized description of active consumer activities and the mapping of the pilots serves as input for WP2, WP3 and WP4 and will contribute in WP7 to EU harmonization activities such as BRIDGE, CIGRE and ebIX.

P2P Energy Sharing Functional Architecture for Energy Trading and Flexibility Provision ⬇️


This WP focuses on the fundamental development of a framework, models, and methodologies for P2P trading and energy sharing. The objectives of this WP are: i) to investigate suitable P2P trading architectures. Creation of a standardised and open-source peer-to-peer energy sharing platform architecture for the energy sector and design methods; ii) to develop P2P models and trading methodologies; iii) to propose mechanisms to enable the flexibility provision by active consumers and ECs engaged in P2P trading, and iv) to develop proof-of-concept analytical and decision support tools for consumers participating in the markets and flexibility services.

Open-Source Energy Sharing Communities Platform ⬇️


Objectives: WP3 aims to specify and develop the open-source P2P trading and energy sharing platform based in blockchain/DLT. The WP aims to build a reliable platform with a smooth user experience, fetching data from different sources and integrating them with dataspaces, considering high cybersecurity and interoperability standards.

P2P Trading and Energy Sharing Algorithms ⬇️


Objectives: This work package aims to scale-up the design and modelling work undertaken in both WP1 and WP2 by implementing the specified P2P trading and energy sharing methodologies and their interaction with existing European electricity markets into comprehensive, robust and exploitable algorithms, ready for integration in the final U2Demo platform, developed in WP3.

P2P Energy Sharing tools demonstration ⬇️


Objectives: This WP aims the demonstration of the methodologies and tools developed in U2Demo project. Four pilots will be implemented addressing the assessment of the performance of the open-source tools in diferente environments and operating conditions. Active consumers with different profiles and ECs with diferente governance models will be considered in the pilots. Another important aspect that should be achieved in the pilots is the effectiveness of the proposed tools to promote the adoption of DERs and the integration of ECs in the global energy ecosystem. Afterwards, replication of demonstration activities between the four pilots and by external Active consumers and ECs will be coordinated in WP5.

P2P trading and Energy Sharing assessment and roadmap for massive adoption ⬇️


Objectives: This WP aims to provide an assessment of the use of open-source tools as well as the evaluation of P2P trading and energy sharing strategies in general, considering a set of KPIs defined in WP1. Based on this assessment, a roadmap and guidelines promoting the engagement of the prosumers in P2P trading and energy sharing will be provided and regulatory and policies recommendations to incentivize the development of the P2P trading and energy sharing will be proposed. Finally, a strategy for the interaction between U2Demo partners and the standardization and harmonization.

Dissemination and Exploitation of Results ⬇️


Objectives: This WP aims to create communication and dissemination strategies that enhance the project’s visibility, utilizing pertinent key messages and efficient communication channels. Interactions and the transfer of knowledge by building connections with other projects and national as well as European initiatives will be planed under the present WP. This WP focuses on the in-depth assessment of the P2P trading and energy sharing, developing the outlook how these tools and methods can be replicated and scaled for a major adoption. These tasks together ensure the success of the project by assessing the impact, adoption, maintenance of open-source tools.

Project Management ⬇️


Objectives: This WP aims: i) To guarantee the efficient execution of the project; ii) To oversee the advancement of the project, ensuring it adheres to the planned objectives and achieves the desired outcomes within the allocated schedule and budget, all while attaining a high level of technical and scientific excellence; iii) To adhere to the policies and procedures outlined by the European Commission regarding Open Data, Commercialization, and Intellectual Property Rights (IPR); iv) To assess potential risks and apply suitable measures to minimize the likelihood of deviations from the project plan.