
Country: Belgium

The Flemish institute for technological research (VITO) is a research organization based in Belgium.

VITO is the reference for independent, applied technological research, generating a positive impact for a society in transition. We combine our domain expertise on people and environment with technological innovations, (pilot) infrastructure, and digital applications. In this way, we achieve a tangible effect for citizens, industry, and policy in Flanders, Belgium, Europe, and the world, for our three impact domains: sustainable use of raw materials (circular-bio-economy, energy and water), climate mitigation and adaptation, and a sustainable living environment for all.

The Grids and Energy Markets research department, within the Water and Energy Transition unit, which is a key partner in the U2Demo project, particularly focuses on advancing techno-economic solutions and advanced tools for the energy transition focusing on energy/electricity market designs (covering wholesale markets as well as distributed energy communities-based applications), flexibility mechanisms (from implicit mechanisms – covering dynamic tariff designs, and dynamic connection methods – to explicit flexibility market design – covering conceptualization and modeling of different flexibility markets and TSO-DSO coordination mechanisms), grid decision support (at all voltage levels), and sector coupling at the energy-carriers wholesale levels as well as at the end-users’ side.

Role under the Project

VITO leads the development of advanced market architectures, peer-to-peer market models and matching mechanisms. This effort aims at (i) advancing efficient and grid-aware P2P trading architectures and market design methods, (ii) development of P2P models, matching mechanisms, and trading tools, as well as (iii) the advancement of processes that enable the integration of energy communities in flexibility procurement mechanisms and in the overall energy system and markets.

In this effort, VITO leads WP2 titled “P2P Energy Sharing Functional Architecture for Energy Trading and Flexibility Provision” aiming at developing key methods that will constitute the market backbone of the U2Demo platform.

In addition, VITO actively contributes to the energy communities and peer-to-peer trading conceptual frameworks’ development within U2Demo, and actively supports the development and implementation of the Belgian demonstrator.

Contact person: Anibal Sanjab
