
Country: Germany

European Institute for Energy Research (EIFER): EIFER was created in 2002 as a European Economic Interest Grouping between EDF (Electricité de France, French utility) and KIT (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology) and is located in Karlsruhe, Germany.

In close cooperation with academic, institutional, and industrial partners, EIFER is committed to create value for its two members through joint research projects. In the context of the European energy transition, EIFER provides research-based innovative energy solutions for the sustainable growth of territories and industries. EIFER employs around 110 staff, from various disciplines and from more than 10 different countries.

Role under the Project

EIFER is the WP6 leader and will provide a wrap-up of the activities and the main conclusions, guidelines, roadmap and recommendations, along with Task leaders in other work packages.

Project contact: Samrat Bose
