
Country: France

Artelys is a company specialized in optimisation, decision support and modelling and provides support to its clients to master the technical complexity of their problems and to optimize their decisions in a wide range of sectors: energy, logistics, finance, telecoms, transport and the environment.

Created 20 years ago, Artelys has begun a world-class leader in mathematical optimisation and develops the number solver in terms of non-linear optimization, Knitro. Since its creation, Artelys has now partnered with numerous key players in the energy sector all along the energy value chain, developing its unique techno-economic approach to energy problems thanks to its innovative energy system modelling and demonstrating an excellent knowledge of global energy challenges through many consultancy missions in system optimization, cost-benefit analyses and energy policy cross-sectoral impact assessment.

Relatively to European power markets, Artelys has contributed to the development of the three European reserve exchange platforms: TERRE (Trans European Replacement Reserves Exchange), MARI (Manually Activated Reserves Initiative) and PICASSO (Platform for the International Coordination of Automated Frequency Restoration and Stable System Operation), for which Artelys was responsible for the development of the market clearing engine with the design of price determination schemes and market clearing algorithms.

Artelys has also participated to many research European research projects, such as the current LocalRES project that focuses on the planning of local energy communities driven by the participation of the citizens in the design of their local energy community.

Role under the Project

Artelys’s contribution to the project will be twofold. The main contribution consists in the implementation of the P2P trading algorithm enabling local P2P-energy exchanges, while considering grids constraints as well as potential interaction with existing European wholesale markets, to provide services to the system. Artelys will bring its expertise on market design methodologies as well as algorithm implementation to build an open-source P2P trading algorithm that will be robust and easy to use, as well as deployable on a large scale and ready to be integrated into the P2P trading platform.

To ease-out the development of said algorithm, Artelys will also take part in the discussions on the specification of the market design and market rules for the implementation of a fair P2P-trading at a local level, as well as the methodological considerations of the interaction of P2P trading within the existing European power exchange infrastructures.

Contact person: Michael Gabay
